Watch this video to learn more about what is included in the WISD Bond 2023
Bond 2023 Propositions

**All amounts listed below are projected estimates
Proposition A – $234 M
Wylie High School Expansion and Upgrades– $121 M
- Add 62 Classrooms that will increase student capacity by approximately 1,000 students
- New classrooms built to accommodate our Career and Technology Education (CTE) classes
- Expand band hall
- New practice gym
- New Agriculture Building
- Additional Turf Field for marching band practice and for all athletic teams utilizing a turf field
- New Tennis Courts with 12 courts and a tennis building
- Baseball and Softball stadium upgrades to include new seating
- New Parking Spaces for the Tennis/Baseball/Softball Complex
New Elementary School– $55 M
- K-5 Elementary school to address continued growth
- 1,000 student capacity
- Safety and security features
- Dedicated parking areas
- Meets or exceeds all energy/building codes, ADA, and TEA requirements
East Intermediate Expansion (Phase 2)– $22 M
- Add 28 classrooms to the East Intermediate
- Increase student capacity to 1,000
Address Aging Buildings– $21 M
- The average age of the school buildings affected by this bond is nearly 38 years, most built around 1985.
- Included in Proposition A are existing campus renovations, paving improvements and district-wide equipment and finishes
Safety and Security– $3 M
Safety and security was a top priority for the district and board when considering the 2023 Bond proposal. The bond proposal would include secure entry vestibule improvements at five campuses.
- Site Fencing
- Security Film on Entrance
- Windows and Doors
- Door Hardware
- Access Control Panels
- Video Surveillance
New Buses– $9 M
- Wylie ISD utilizes 62 buses and more than 94 daily routes to transport students.
- Approximately 3,200 students (60% of enrollment) ride buses from home to school each year.
- The average age of Wylie ISD buses is 12 years old.
- The useful life of a school bus in WISD is 7-10 years, and 60% of the current fleet is more than 10 years old.
- Wylie ISD buses transport students to away games and activities that can be many miles away from our city.
- WISD school buses travel over 444,692 miles per year.
Technology–$3 M
- Proposition A includes networking and technology upgrades.
- Wireless for all campuses, UPS (uninterruptible power supply) for all campuses, equipment to improve network efficiency for FRE, and new network cables for each campus. Interactive Displays and document cameras for all instructional spaces.
- Replace aging equipment and software that enables network connectivity and communication between users, devices, apps and the internet.
- Infrastructure support devices such as security cameras, door controllers, classroom phones, and teacher/student devices.
- Replace aging projectors and interactive displays. Interactive classroom displays combine the touch technology of a tablet with a whiteboard.
Proposition B – $29 M
Community Event Center
- Demolish old Concession Stand/Fieldhouse/Public Restrooms at north end of Hugh Sandifer Stadium
- Construct two-level community center at the north end of Hugh Sandifer Stadium
- Top level is a unique event space designed to accommodate a multitude of events with the inclusion of a prep kitchen for WHS Culinary Arts Students.
- Community Event Center Opportunities:
- WISD Community Luncheons
- Recognition Events
- End of Year Banquets (Athletics, Band, FFA, etc.)
- Professional Development Space for Staff
- WISD State of the District Luncheon
- Wylie Class Reunions
- Coaches Community Press Conference
- Hospitality Room for Track Meets/Band Competitions
- Football and Soccer Pregame/Game Functions
- Rental Opportunities for Outside Entities (Churches, businesses, etc.)
- Bottom level includes sports dressing rooms, coaches’ offices, concession stands, and public restrooms
Proposition C – $6 M
Student and Teacher Devices
- Wylie ISD doesn’t not currently have 1-to-1 devices for its students.
- Older buildings do not have the technology and electrical infrastructure needed for modern teaching and learning tools. The cost of repairing older technology is more expensive than replacement
- Proposed devices would be in phases every 5 years.
- Proposition C would allow the district to purchase technology devices campus-wide for students and teachers for classroom use.
- The pandemic has demonstrated that students need to have remote access to their learning to prevent performance drops. This proposition ensures every student has a device for learning at home and in the classroom.
- In 2021, TEA and state leaders began standardizing online tests for district assessments and state-required standardized test. The report estimated that school districts would have to make a one-time payment of about $13.4 million more annually for extra bandwidth and staff training.